Comments on: This Changes Networking Intel IPU Hands-on with Big Spring Canyon Server and Workstation Reviews Mon, 06 Jun 2022 19:34:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: alexander Mon, 06 Jun 2022 19:34:49 +0000 Patrick, thanks a lot for detailed article about Intel IPU!

By: fuzzyfuzzyfungus Fri, 03 Jun 2022 13:37:17 +0000 @Kiko Lee: At a bare minimum STH sponsored is usually quite detailed; rather than just a thin press release regurgitation, which is always dreadfully disappointing.

At a lot of sites ‘sponsored’ basically means ‘you’d learn exactly as much just by checking PRNewswire’; rather than ‘we poke around as much as possible and add commentary on capabilities and market position and the like; even if we don’t have the opportunity to really get our hand dirty and do some aggressive benchmarking and such’.

That’s a massive virtue right there.

By: Kiko Lee Fri, 03 Jun 2022 05:35:28 +0000 I don’t know. Sometimes I think STH sponsored is better than other sites non-spons. I’d say this is the best content Intel has for it’s IPUs anywhere that’s public. Maybe it’s also because we’ve seen STH use other tech too. It’s rare to get content like this. I can imagine how the convo on the article went.
Intel: “Hey we need you to have an article like Moore Insights.”
STH: “No. I want lstopo.”

By: SLASH/ Thu, 02 Jun 2022 20:52:45 +0000 Sponsored or not, this is a very interesting article! Thanks Patrick!

By: fuzzyfuzzyfungus Thu, 02 Jun 2022 17:36:25 +0000 Has Intel commented on their strategy for encouraging development for the FPGAs?

They are undoubtedly more versatile; but more costly and power hungry than fixed-function equivalents; and writing FPGA implementations, especially good ones, is not baby’s first software project; so this offering seems like it could end up being squeezed between hyperscalers who just revise their fixed-function chips periodically, as events warrant, because they operate so many that the savings cover the engineering costs; while smaller customers will find the flexibility of FPGAs mostly theoretical unless they have access to someone else’s development expertise.

Is Intel the one planning on building and offering a variety of accellerated functions? Are they going to offer a basic library and some sort of 3rd party development program open to very-fabless semicoductor designers who will sell their features and capabilities? A more tightly curated 3rd party program focusing on partnerships with specific interested parties(like hypervisor vendors and makers of various network-disaggregated storage and other peripherals; or high speed packet inspection and modification?

It’s certainly a neat looking part; but the FPGA just seems like something that really needs a software strategy behind it in order to realize its potential.

By: David Thu, 02 Jun 2022 17:23:35 +0000 At 22W for the Xeon D-1612 this seems quite a bit more power hungry than the ARM equivalents, any thoughts on that?

Also as this CPU doesn’t support PCIe3.0 it would be interesting to read what the capacity limits are for this DPU, from the face of it it looks like a more power hungry, less performance solution.

Also there’s a likely error in the article stating it has 4 cores 16 threads which should be 8 threads
